By Steph
On 09, Sep 2020 | In Editorial Graphic Novel Illustration | By Steph
DC Story
Black ink in white canvas, Indeterminate.
A short graphic novel created in pencil and black ink, the lettering was added digitally. It is a story about the confrontation between a heroine and a supervillain, located in a futuristic city.
By Steph
On 09, Sep 2020 | In Editorial Graphic Novel Illustration | By Steph
Donnie Darko Cut Scene
Black ink in white canvas, Indeterminate.
A short graphic novel created in pencil and black ink, the lettering was added digitally. It was made from a scene from the «Donnie Darko» movie by Richard Kelly, which tells the story about a boy who is visited by a prophetic rabbit and about the imminent end of the world.
Volando Bajo
Variable canvas and technique, Indeterminate.
Mailing design for the movie: «Volando Bajo». The purpose is mainly informative using iconic elements and/or characters.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
No Sé Si Cortarme Las Venas O Dejármelas Largas
Variable canvas and technique, Indeterminate.
Mailing design for the movie: «No sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas». The purpose is mainly informative using iconic elements and/or characters.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
By Steph
On 05, Sep 2020 | In Branding Editorial Printing Web Design | By Steph
Helios Herrera
Color in variable canvas, Indeterminate.
Lecturer, consultant, and specialist in human development. Design banners for social networks, brochures, magazines, and mailing.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
Obediencia Perfecta
Variable canvas and technique, Indeterminate.
Mailing design for the movie: «Obediencia perfecta». The purpose is mainly informative using iconic elements and/or characters.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
Variable canvas and technique, Indeterminate.
Proposed design, movie sale folder: «Elba». Use of contrast, overlying images, and textures in order to represent fantasy and reality at the same time.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
Day Of The Dead
Variable canvas and technique, Indeterminate.
Proposed design, movie sale folder: «Day of the dead». Image segmentation and color overlay.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.
Ibero Posters
Color in white canvas, 60 x 90 cm.
Development of promotional and informative posters for the Ibero architecture department.
Programs used: Illustrator & Photoshop.